• What is Zombie Virus Token?

    ZVT is a utility token issued based on ERC-20 smart contract technology. You can hold ZVT tokens using the Metamask Wallet.

    Its purpose is to establish REAL DAO.

  • How can you get ZVT?

    You can exchange Ethereum held in Metamask for ZVT, or mine ZVT with Zombie NFTs.

  • How do you purchase a Virus World Zombie NFT?

    You can mint with ZVT, and to do so, you`ll need a V-link. (A V-link refers to the recommendation link of another Zombie NFT holder, or you can also mint by entering the Zombie NFT Number instead of the link.)

  • What can you do with a Zombie NFT?

    As you grow your Zombie NFT, the zombie becomes more powerful, enabling you to mine more ZVT. You can strengthen the Zombie NFT by infecting (minting) others, using items with ZVT, or completing missions like community activities.

  • What else can we do?

    You can join a 'guild' with your Zombie NFT to acquire additional ZVT while mining. Anyone can easily join a guild by using the invitation code of each guild.